
an average person with a simple dream. stability and happiness is all i seek.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


yes, my throat is once again infected, and normally this means that i have high fever..
so i'm now resting @ home and thinking bout stuff..

just realised some stuff after seeing something, much as i always wanted the best for you in our r/s, and to take good care of you, i guess you were right.
my love gave you too much stress and pressure.

i guess even if i feel that my love is right, it didn't feel comfortable on your side.
it's over now, but sometimes reflecting isn't such a bad thing.

let's just try our best to be great friends, or family..
after so long, it's also great that we both feel a sense of kinship towards each other.
from 4th of april, it's time to have no pressure and be happy!

i told you alot of times, if there's anything or any help you need, tell me.
yes, i am proud to say that laoli is still here for you, not as a bf but i'm still here.