what i've been good at and loved to do for as many years as i can remember.
words, they have fascinated me from young.
yet, words are not enough to truly express how i feel inside.
and this is because, tonight, on this cool, chilly night, i do not know what to write.
the dilemma of life.
the ironic principles that exist in life.
water retention, is due to dehydration.
when your body feels bloated, drinking more water will rectify the situation.
on the 12th of this month, i finally accomplished what i set out to do.
it wasn't not easy, and i knew it wouldn't be.
but yes, i have done it.
maybe, this was actually unnecessary effort.
i have done a lot, and i have struggled to do even more.
it never seemed enough, but now i finally know why.
it is not a measure of how much effort, but how the effort is applied.
giving what is wanted, no matter how little, will prove more effective.
it is time to apply my perseverance in the correct areas.
writing, is never difficult, when you follow what your heart is feeling.
words, although never a true reflection of feelings and thoughts, can still relate to a certain extent.
it is not about using words that are difficult, but about using the simplest words to convey messages to readers in the most accurate way possible.
i love writing.
and this is what i will do for a living.